The Leadership of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad :The new lion of the Muslim World

salam kebangkitan....

baru-baru ini penulis telah berkesempatan untuk membuat kajian mengenai presiden Iran, mahmoud ahmadinejad. sukacita penulis ingin berkongsi hasil kajian penulis bersama pembaca blog semua...

ingin ditegaskan, penulisan kajian tersebut dibuat di dalam bahasa inggeris..Di kesempatan ini,penulis ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada beberapa individu yang telah bersama-sama membantu didalam menjayakan kajian penulis yang tidak seberapa ini...




Recently, I had read a book on the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. To be frank, before I read this book, I was never interested to write about him or even to know who he is, for me, at that particular time, knowing him as a controversial hard-headed and fundamentalist leader of the Islamic republic of Iran is enough.

But as soon as I read through the pages, perceptions slowly changed…I got interested to know him more, his paths of life, makes me ponder that he is destined to be a leader, not just for the Iranians, but as a leader of the entire Muslims…His bravery in fighting for nuclear energy rights for the Iranians and his critics against the holocaust inspired courage and bravery through out the Muslim world. As for an example to all, against the cruelty of the world.

As far as this course project is concerned, I try to highlight his leadership qualities through out his career, from being a student leader to a controversial president. Please be noted that, I may include some of his backgrounds and philosophy which may not be relevant to this coursework, but I include it as a knowledge that is essential for us to share, no extra marks or rewards will be asked and I am open to be criticized.

In the name of Allah, I hope this coursework can bring benefits to all of us as much as possible. May Allah blessings with those who fights against tyranny and evil.

Mahmoud the magician?

People may asked me, why Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Why did you choose him as the subject for your coursework? This question may be thrown to me from certain classes of individuals whom don’t fully observe the Middle Eastern political situation today.

From my own prospective, there are a lot of things that we can learn from him as law to be a true Muslim leader. What may seem impossible to have happen to any ordinary somewhat miraculously made possible to him. He is what we seem to refer today as nobody turns somebody. Firstly, he is neither a right nor a left wing politician – he is not a politician at all. He is not a great scholar and not a tycoon who can buy power and influences. Farther more, he is not a war hero who has a military network to install him to power. Auxiliary to that, he is not a nobleman who can gain empathy to be a president. In addition to that, he is not a strong built and does not posses diplomatic skills. Last but not least, he is still young compared to his predecessors when he came to power.

The qualities of essence and macabre, makes me admired him. It seem nearly impossible today in this turmoil world where money is the root to power and influence has not in

anyways deterred this gentleman to dream and become the President to a Shiite nation and is posing a great threat in both the economical and political interest of America.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president who drove a 1977 Fiat, lives in a house at the end of the road in southern region of Tehran, where the population residing there lives in poverty. Clothing himself with extreme modesty and never in his life fits himself in branded attire, this gentleman who roars out to the double standard policy of the Bush Administration, puts on an old ragged shoe with stitches all over it. He refuses to live in the presidential palace (which he turned it to be a museum). He never wears a neck tie, and considered himself as a janitor to the Tehran’s street.

Born on 28th October 1956, in Aradan 120km south eastern from Tehran, he is the fourth from seven siblings. When he was born, his father, Ahmad Saborjihan, named him Mahmoud Saborjihan. He used it until he and his family move to Tehran at mid 50’s. In Aradan, the Saborjihan family lived in a humble double story house. His father did a number of works to feed his family. Initially a trader, he then became barber, and finally a blacksmith. But either way, his family always lived in mediocrity.

Ahamadinejad was an excellent student in academic and possesses sound and distinct leadership qualities. When he was continuing his study in the Iran’s university of science and technology, he presented himself as a modern, global, and visionary student but in the meantime, he never forgot his duty as a true Muslim. This was developed to its principle and the spirit of Khomeini’s Islamic revolution back in 1979.He played major parts in various student societies supporting the formation of the Islamic republic. He was

noted as a one of the founder of Islamic student assembly (anjoman e islami ye denesyjuyan).

In 1984, he volunteered to join the Islamic revolution special force when the war between Iraq and Iran irrupted. After a lot of success in his military operations, he was promoted to be a commander of the Zeni division of the Islamic revolution special force. This has entitled him to be both the commander of the Zeni division as well as the western region of Iran.

After the war ended in 1988, ahmadinejad continued his studies and got his PHD in the city transportation management soon later.

Because of the reconstruction of the territory of Iran, Ardabil region had been separated from the west Azerbaijan state to be a new state. Ahamadinejad has been elected to be the first governor of Ardabil.As the result of that, he was transferred to Ardabil. Due to his success, he was elected as the governor of the year for three consecutive years.

Ahmadinejad started to get honors from the government and the people when he had successfully repaired 7,500 units of houses which were destroyed during the earthquake, within 7months only. This is a contribution to the nation of Iran which was magnanimous and astounding.

In 3rd may 2003, he was elected as mayor of Tehran. From the first day when he was elected, he used all of his knowledge and wisdom by paying a huge attention to the problem that was related to the Islamic fundamental values. For example, he has separated the uses of elevator between man and women in his office. He also proposed that all soldiers who died in the Iraq - Iran war to be buried in the famous square in Tehran. He also doubled the loan to the young couple to marry as an encouragement to prevent maksiah.

Even more, he also introduced free soup distribution once in a week for all poor citizens in Tehran.

The most controversial thing that he had done was, his decision to change the official home that given to him as a public museum. He also contributes his personal furniture to the museum.

Ahmadinejad is a workaholic. His working hours is longer; from morning to dusk and it continued till his wee hours He purposely does so just to hear the complaint made by the people.

The most infamous achievement achieved by him as a mayor of Tehran was his expertise to solve the traffic problem in Tehran. Among the officers in the mayor’s office, his named was always chanted as numerously he worn janitors uniform to show his concern of the Tehran’s cleanliness. He was regularly gone to the sewer to clear up its congestion.

After two years being the mayor of Tehran, he entered the list of the finalist in the nomination of the world finest mayor in the World mayor 2005.

Son of blacksmith for president!

In Iranian presidential election 2005, Ahmadinejad had been nominated to enter the election. Uniquely to say that, ahmadinejad was the candidate who spent less more money compared to the rest of the candidates.In his campaign, he just made an amateur short semi documentary movie as to illustrate his commitment to the people. Followed by posters which smaller in numbers as compared to the other candidates, which made gigantic banner, own tv commercials and so on and so forth. Ahamdinejad criticized this kind of attitude as a pure waste of funds and monetary.

At the first instance, ahmadinejad was the bottom among all; his vote was the fewest among all. But things change when the ballots from the poor region was being out into account. He won and was declared as the sixth Iranian president since the Islamic revolution.

The first agenda that he brought into light when he came to be a president was a Third revolution. This revolution is dissimilar to the Islamic revolution brought by Ayatollah Khomeini but this revolution is in line with it. The demand of this revolution is not to change the whole system of government, but to change the structure of the elites and the way to execute its power. He demanded that, all of the powerful elites came back to be a

Revolutionary as they had done in 1979. He wanted them to come back to part of the society, as again to taste the suffering and poverty of the Iranian people.

Ahmadinejad also expressed his desire to make Iran as a model of the government which is “modern, developed, and Islamic”. According to him, this type of model requires the strong working management, professional, free from corruptions, and free from nepotism and bureaucracy.

In his speech as the sixth Iranian president in husainiah Imam Khomeini, he again stressed the four major importances in his leadership, which are, justice, care for the need of the people, serving the whole group of people, obtaining the material and moral development for the good of people and the country. In line with the Islamic values, as the new elected leader, he promise that, he must be just in all affairs, fairness in achieving opportunity to developed, eliminating discrimination and corruption as his main agendas. His leadership also stresses the spirit of brotherhood, love, and unity to its entire people, without looking their race or religion backgrounds.

Another contribution as a president is that he has divided millions of free profitable shares to all Iranian people. His determination in continuing the Iranian nuclear programmed also became popular to all Iranians.

After being elected as a president, ironically, his appearance far contradict to the appearance of a president. In a meeting with a university student in Tehran, one of the participants asked him about his appearance that was not the appearance of a president.

In distress he answered: “But I have an appearance as a servant, and I want to be a servant for all people of Iran”. Even more, all of the special privileges of the president for instance, presidential palace, red carpet, and so had been banished. In addition, he asked that all of the government office not to hang his picture.

Ahmadinejad and Holocust.

Ahmadinejad had become controversial and despised by the western world because of his stand of the issues of holocaust which led to the formation of Israel. He proposed that, Israel should be wiped off from the world map. In my opinion, he has his point. If we look into history, the country named Israel s never existed until the past of 60years.

Generally, holocaust means the massacre of the Jewish community organized by the Nazi Germany back in the World War II. According to the historians, around 6millions Jews died as the result of ethnic extermination during the Nazi despotism. This massacre had moved the western world to give sympathy towards the Jewish community after the end of the World War II. Immediately, the western world set up the Balfour treaty which has resulted to the formation of Israel in the Middle East – specifically Palestine.

In response to that, Ahmadinejad had criticized the Balfour treaty. He also openly challenged the validity of the Holocaust itself. According to him, in interview with a Germany leading magazine, der Spiegel, he says, there is no pure evidence that holocaust ever happened. This is because there was no special investigation made to authenticate it.. There is no neutral body that was permitted to make an investigation about it. To the extent, if someone didn’t accept the validity of holocaust, he will be thrown into prison as in accordance to the European laws.

Furthermore, he also added that, if the western world sympathized with the extermination of the Jewish community, why don’t they give their own territory in America or Europe instead Palestine which is in Middle East, and has nothing to do with the holocaust.

Nuclear Sensation.

Ahmadinejad is also known for his fights for the rights to obtain nuclear technology. He repeatedly denies the claims of the western world that, he will make the nuclear technology as the weapon of mass destruction. According to him in the interview with the Der Spiegel magazine, “if the world sees nuclear as an evil and we can’t posses and mastered it, why do you posses it? If this technology is good for you, why we can’t use it for our own good?”

Why do you need nuclear technology? The questions were frequently asked to the Iranian president. Firstly, nuclear technology is the absolute right of the Iranian. Secondly, Nukes technology is an advance technology. This kind of technology is a medium of influence of the western world, which if the Islamic countries posses it, their influence will be weaker. Next, this achievement will be the back-up and inspiration for the Iranian people who had gone through oppression, trade embargo, and isolation from

the western world since Islamic revolution 1979 to rise like they did before during the Persian Empire. Fourthly, the most effective reason is, if Iran can use its nuclear technology, Iran will gain its profits in both short and long term. In a short term, in compliance in the raised of the oil prices, Iran will get more profit for their raised in exporting oil and gas. Beyond that, Iran’s electricity becomes cheaper and the electricity will be massively used in its industries. In a long term, Iran doesn’t have to seek assistance almost in all fields since Iran automatically became richer and prosperous because of their richness in energy resources.


Anonymous said...

salam alaik,

pertama-tama sekali ingin saya ucapkan syabas atas artikel yang dikemukakan saudara penulis berkenaan Ahmedinejad, seorang pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat yang SEBENAR, mengakui dirinya sebagai pelayan kepada rakyat Iran, seorang pemimpin yang boleh dianggap sudah pupus dimuka bumi ini.

pada mulanya saya tertanya2, kenapa Ahmedinejad, kenapa Iran yang ingin saudara penulis ketengahkan sebagai "the new lion" yang mewakili "Muslim World"? tapi jika diamati betul2 dari hasil penulis beliau, dapat kita lihat bahawa beliau(Ahmedinejad) benar2 mempunyai kualiti seorang pemimpin Islam yang ditunggu2 untuk membantu menguatkan kembali agama Islam dimata dunia.
Personalitinya yang keras kepala dan teguh dalam pendiriannya, tidak goyah, serta meletakkan Islam sebagai asas utama kepimpinannya membuatkan dia dianggap berjaya menggerakkan dan meneruskan revolusi Islam di Iran.

Dari artikel saudara penulis, dapat kita lihat sikap humbleness yang dipaparkan dalam karektor Ahmedinejad seperti sikapnya yang bersederhana dalam penampilan(tidak seperti pemimpin semasa yang lain), komitmen dalam tanggungjawabnya sebagai pemimpin kepada rakyat(dari tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin negara sehinggalah kepada groundwork seperti janitor), kesederhanaan dalam berkempen untuk jawatan presiden (kerana mentaliti rakyat Iran sudah bagus, tidak melihat kepada janji kosong, tetapi lebih kepada contribution yang telah banyak dia sumbangkan dan yang telah banyak dia perjuangkan, dan itulah cara berkempen yang sebenar)

Sebenarnya, saya bersetuju dengan banyak poin2 saudara penulis berkenaan stand atau pendirian Ahmedinejad dalam isu2 global diantaranya seperti perjanjian belfour-palestin (sangat tidak releven disebabkan peristiwa holocaust yang tidak terbukti kesahihannya, Palestine menjadi mangsa untuk meredakan kesengsaraan bangsa yahudi). Begitu juga berkenaan dengan tenaga nuklear yang diusahakan oleh Iran, barat dapat diibaratkan seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus, dapat kita lihat disini bahawa barat secara impliedly tidak mahu negara Islam maju dari segala macam, teknologi, ekonomi, dll, kerana itu adalah ancaman kepada kuasa2 barat.

dari revolusi Islam di Iran dan kepimpinan Ahmedinejad, kita renung2kanlah pemimpin dan kerajaan bagaimanakah yang kita mahukan untuk negara kita yang tercinta ini dalam meneruskan perjuangan mendukung daulah islamiyyah. Islam is the way of life, kerana agama kita beribadah, kerana agama kita berkerja, kerana agama adalah segala2nya..

Ibn Qadir said...

terima kasih atas komen saudara... harapnya menerusi teladan yang diketengahkan oleh ahmadinejad, dapatlah kita sekalian muslim mengikuti sifat-sifat positif yang ditonjolkan olehnya...

Besar harapan penulis ingin melihat kemunculan perantis-perantis ahmadinejad versi malaysia di masa hadapan...insyaallah..

bersama-samalah kita perjuangkan ape yang hak dan menghentam apa yang batil...

Hidup Islam, Hidup bangsa Malaysia!!!

salam kebangkitan...

aktivis muda yang masih bertatih,

Ibn Qadir